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Bringing your new boyfriend/girlfriend to court.
12. Bringing your new boyfriend/girlfriend to court. Unless there is a significant reason for doing so, don’t do it. It will only...
Bringing your new boyfriend/girlfriend around the children prior to the divorce being final.
11. Bringing your new boyfriend/girlfriend around the children prior to the divorce being final. Failure to follow this will overall...
Fail to size the economic and non-economic terms of your divorce.
10. Fail to size the economic and non-economic terms of your divorce. Sure you want to “win” the case. Are you willing to spend $20,000...
Showing anger in front of the judge, clerk, your spouse or your children.
9. Showing anger in front of the judge, clerk, your spouse or your children. Hold your emotions. Screaming or getting violent will only...
Posting stupid pictures or texts online, instragram, facebook or any other social media site.
8. Posting stupid pictures or texts online, instragram, facebook or any other social media site. Nothing is private. That person you...
Send nasty text messages, email or voice mail.
7. Send nasty text messages, email or voice mail. If you receive a text message saying you are a no good sorry piece of shit and you...
Abuse drugs or use excessive alcohol.
6. Abuse drugs or use excessive alcohol. If you do, you will violate even more of these “do not rules” and is a significant...
Making comments in front of your children about your spouse.
5. Making comments in front of your children about your spouse. Children are not the jury for a divorce. It is unnecessary for them to...
Incur any type of debt in your spouse’s name.
4. Incur any type of debt in your spouse’s name. That would be inappropriate. Don’t make a foolish mistake. CALL US AT OUR 24 HOUR...
Fail to keep records of all communications with ex-spouse.
3.Fail to keep records of all communications with ex-spouse. If he/she sends you disturbing or threatening text messages, give a copy of...
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