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Fail to create a rainy day savings fund.
22. Fail to create a rainy day savings fund. Have some savings in cash somewhere safe that you can use for emergencies. CALL US AT OUR...
Increase your debt.
21. Increase your debt. Your financial situation is about to change drastically. This is a time to be very conservative with your...
Failing to read all orders entered in your divorce case.
20. Failing to read all orders entered in your divorce case. Ask your attorney for them. “I didn’t know” isn’t going to slide with the...
Withhold visitation for failure to pay child support or vice versa.
19. Withhold visitation for failure to pay child support or vice versa. This is a quick way to go to jail for contempt. CALL US AT OUR...
Making proposals you are not fully and ready to live with
18. Making proposals you are not fully and ready to live with. Otherwise, your credibility goes out the door. CALL US AT OUR 24 HOUR...
Argue about religion.
17. Argue about religion. You are not going to convert anyone during a divorce case. You can however, anger or portray to them that you...
Speak while others are talking.
16. Speak while others are talking. If you are speaking, your ears aren’t listening. You can often gain an advantage in a divorce by...
Make emotional comments.
15. Make emotional comments. You rarely lose anything by failing to respond quickly. Rationally think about the situation and then...
Displaying a “you owe me” type attitude.
14. Displaying a “you owe me” type attitude. Maybe your spouse does or possibly doesn’t. Be calm and rational. The more you insist...
Speak with the lawyer for your spouse or anyone associated with their office for any reason.
13. Speak with the lawyer for your spouse or anyone associated with their office for any reason. They aren’t your friends. Their only...
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