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Fail to pay child support via check.
32. Fail to pay child support via check. If you pay any amount owed to your spouse with cash, you are risking the less than truthful to...
Cash refund checks that in all honesty belong to your spouse.
31. Cash refund checks that in all honesty belong to your spouse. If a tax refund check comes in, try to come to agreements on a division....
Fail to keep a divorce diary
​30. Fail to keep a divorce diary. Make notes of things that occur. If your spouse doesn’t pick up the kids for visitation, doesn’t pay...
Fail to keep your attorney advised of your whereabouts.
29. Fail to keep your attorney advised of your whereabouts. The only thing more troubling for an attorney than a lying client is a...
Fail to take an inventory of household items.
28. Fail to take an inventory of household items. You need to be able to show what assets have been removed or trashed. If nothing...
Listen to your entire friend’s advice of what you should get or give in a divorce.
27. Listen to your entire friend’s advice of what you should get or give in a divorce. Every divorce is different. You are paying an...
Get pregnant or get anyone pregnant.
26. Get pregnant or get anyone pregnant. Pregnancy can cause procrastination with a divorce while the court waits to find out the...
Fail to update your legal documents.
25. Fail to update your legal documents. Do you want you’re future ex-spouse using that power of attorney from ten years ago to execute...
Fail to consider the tax implications of divorce.
24. Fail to consider the tax implications of divorce. Your tax situation is about to change. Visit an accountant/CPA and find out...
Make large purchases.
23. Make large purchases. It is difficult to argue that you can’t pay an additional $1000 in child support, daycare, etc. if you just...
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