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Using Debt Validation and Debt Verification Letters
Debt validation and debt verification letters are important tools for managing personal finances. These letters offer individuals the...
My children receive social security benefits. Do I include this as income in my bankruptcy?
If you have children who receive Social Security benefits, it's important to understand how those benefits will be treated in your...
Should I Tell Creditors I’m Going To File Bankruptcy?
Filing for bankruptcy can be a difficult and intimidating process, one that can leave many people wondering what their best option is. In...
Car Co-Owner vs. Co-Signer: What’s the difference?
When it comes to buying a car, many people are confused by the differences between a co-owner and co-signer. Both involve two parties...
What Happens to the Co-Signer of a Car Loan in Bankruptcy?
When a person takes out a car loan, they might enlist the help of a co-signer. A co-signer is someone who signs off on the loan and...
"Court Hearing Over The Phone"
As the coronavirus pandemic continues to disrupt everyday life, it's created changes in the legal system. A new measure being implemented...
"Repossession Fees"
When it comes to repossession fees, borrowers need to be aware of their obligations and the potential costs associated with them. In many...
"What Are Advantages Of Filing Bankruptcy"
If you're a homeowner who is looking to save money, then avoiding Homeowners Association (HOA) dues may be the solution. But...
"How To Get Out Of Paying Hoa Dues"
If you're a homeowner who is looking to save money, then avoiding Homeowners Association (HOA) dues may be the solution. But...
"How Long Does A Repo Stay On Your Credit"
If you have been in the unfortunate position of having your car repossessed, it is important to know how long a repo stays on your...
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